
Detta är min processloggbok där jag försöker göra min kunskap synlig - mest för mig själv, men även för andra intresserade. Skicka gärna en kommentar, diskussion är välkommet!

fredag 22 januari 2010

Memory from the past

A bloggercollegue mention in her blog a little walk with with one of her pupils. After I read this I suddenly remember a similar experience long time ago. I was a substitute teacher at a primary school and it was just one session left. It was ment to be a englishlesson with 5 pupils in 5th grade but 4 were not present. The boy I ended up with looked rather unhappy when he realised that I was the only company. The sun shined on a deep layer of snow outside our classroom. I suggested that we switched this dark and greyish indoorenvironment to the beatiful winterland outside. We took some clothes and shoes on and went out.
We agreed upon to try to speak english outside and we hade a pen and paper where we wrote down the words we could not find in our minds. I felt very honoured to be able to spend 40 minutes with this young boy with many thougths. We discussed many intresting topics. I specially remember the end of our chat, the boy take my hand and just looked into my eyes and there we were - shaking hands. Wordless but not without communication.
Later on I heard that this boy never had spoke a word in english before. His ordinary teacher did not beleive it when all of a sudden he spoke up and told her what we´ve done at the lesson.
That was one of these moments which I keep near my heart and which indicates that I have chosen a path that makes some difference in the world.

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